Selasa, 05 April 2011


LOS ANGELES BOOK-SIGNING EVENT TOMORROW! Come party with Lisa and HG staffers at Barnes & Noble on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, CA! Enjoy free guilt-free goodies (VitaTops, Popchips & MORE!), win prizes, get your books signed... It all happens tomorrow at 7pm. Click for details on this and ALL upcoming events!


Hi, Hungry Girl!

Your recipes rock. Tonight I made the Wonton 'Quitos, and they were great. In the recipe, you mention that shredded chicken could be used. This may be a silly question, but how do you get shredded chicken? Do I have to roast a chicken and then fork it apart? Thanks!

Shred Head

Hi Shred Head,

Glad you enjoy the recipes! (Aren't those wonton concoctions SO good?!) Your question about how to get shredded chicken isn't silly at all. If you have leftover cooked chicken breast, you can actually just pull it apart into small pieces with your (clean) hands. In terms of starting with raw chicken, we've experimented quite a bit at the HG HQ to figure out the fastest and easiest method. We even included this info in the new book, Hungry Girl 300 Under 300, as a helpful guide. Here's the 411...

Better Off Shred: HG's EZ Guide to Shredded Chicken

1. Fill a large pot about two-thirds of the way with water and bring to a boil on the stove.

2. Add raw boneless skinless lean chicken breast and boil until cooked through, about 10 minutes.

3. Drain water and transfer chicken to a bowl. Once cool enough to handle, shred using two forks -- one to hold the chicken in place and the other to scrape across the meat and shred it.

Tada! BTW, every 8 ounces of raw chicken will yield about 6 ounces of cooked and shredded chicken. So now you know!

P.S. If you DO own 300 Under 300 (or plan to get it soon), definitely put your newfound chicken-shredding knowledge to work by whipping up Buffalo Chicken Wing Macaroni & Cheese, Southwest Stuffed Tomatoes, World's Easiest Chicken Empanadas, and Easy BBQ Chicken Nachos! (Those last two have only THREE ingredients each.) And when in doubt about your shredding ability, you can always finely chop the chicken instead!

Hi HG,

I love your show. I'm a convert. Looking forward to a lifetime of HG recipes, and can't wait to get your newest book. I have a question. What type of storage containers do you use on the show? They appear to be glass with vacuum-seal lids, and I would like to purchase some of them. Thanks!

Flippin'-for-Your-Kitchen Freda

Hi Freda,

I have received SO MANY emails from people asking the exact same thing. The containers are made by OXO -- they are called Good Grips POP Containers and come in a slew of shapes and sizes. They're actually made of sturdy plastic, not glass, and they have little push-down/pop-up buttons that create airtight seals. And they are STACKABLE, which rocks if you want to save space or just create a funky counter display! You can find them in stores like Target and also order them online. Hope you enjoy them, and thanks for your awesome email!


Today, April 6th, is National Caramel Popcorn Day. There is truly NO better way to celebrate than with Jolly Time Healthy Pop Caramel Apple microwave popcorn -- endorsed by Weight Watchers, with a PointsPlus™ value of just 3 per HUGE serving!

Have a question for Hungry Girl? Send it in! She answers two new Qs each week (but cannot respond to emails personally).

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We may have received free samples of food, which in no way influences whether these products are reviewed favorably, unfavorably, mentioned with indifference, or mentioned at all. Click for more about our editorial and advertising policies.

*The PointsPlus™ values for these products and/or recipes were calculated by Hungry Girl and are not an endorsement or approval of the product, recipe or its manufacturer or developer by Weight Watchers International, Inc., the owner of the PointsPlus™ registered trademark.

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