Linux Today News THE TROJAN APP "It wasn?t so many years ago, remember, when AT&T (the old AT&T, the U. S. national telephone monopoly) owned the phone wire in your walls." ASSANGE: MANNING A 'POLITICAL PRISONER' IN US This story is not about linux directly, but it is about openness in speech, and use of technology that is likely foss technology. More importantly, it is a topic of great value to all journalistic sites. It is also very interesting from an informed individual. YES, VIRGINIA, THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS: GOOGLE! "To the best of my knowledge, Santa Claus and Google have never been seen in the same room. Coincidence? I think not." BREAKING SSL ON EMBEDDED DEVICES (/DEV/TTYS0) "The /dev/ttyS0 site has a discussion of the implications of the LittleBlackBox project. "Here's where it gets fun: many of these devices use hard-coded SSL keys that are baked into the firmware." PINGUY OS - PROBABLY THE BEST UBUNTU DERIVATIVE I HAVE EVER USED! " Pinguy OS - not many must have heard about it. Pinguy OS is basically a heavily modified Ubuntu with an emphasis on the out-of-the-box functionality of the OS and more importantly on the look-good factor. And I got to tell you folks, on every count, my experience with Pinguy OS was well above average." REPORT ON THE INTERNATIONAL STATUS OF OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE 2010 "The CENATIC Foundation, in keeping with its objective of raising awareness about open source technologies, regularly releases research reports that study the different aspects of open source software." TESTING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES IN PYTHON "This article by Daniel Arbuckle, author of Python Testing, introduces code coverage and continuous integration, and teaches how to tie automated testing into version control systems." REVIEW: SLACKWARE 13.1 "I never envisioned myself trying out any of the more advanced distributions like Slackware, Arch, or Gentoo, but having tried derivatives like GNU/Linux Utopia, Chakra, and Sabayon, I think I'm ready to try Slackware and Arch" LINUX OUT, FREEBSD IN "Don?t let the title scare you. This is only on my main file server, which holds both shared material (source tarballs and update packages) and 116G of movie files. It has recently begun to mis-behave under Linux." 20 POPULAR COMMAND-LINE TIPS FOR LINUX "Taking a screenshot in command-line is very easy using the import tool, which is included in the ImageMagick suite. To take a screenshot of a single window use:" GOOGLE DINGS CARRIERS, PHONE MAKERS OVER ANDROID LOCKDOWNS " A Google Android engineer publicly defended the relative ease with which Android phones can be rooted, arguing that the loopholes used by modders do not reflect flawed Android security defenses." UBUNTU WAYLAND: SHUTTLEWORTH'S POST-MAC MAKEOVER "Ubuntu Linux spent the last few months of 2010 dropping bombshells on the Linux world. Founder Mark Shuttleworth is clearly intent on shaking the foundations of his popular Linux distro and pushing it, and Linux at large, in new directions." WHAT IF ALL THE WORLD RAN LINUX? "In essence, it depicts a Linux aficionado refusing to help convince someone to switch to Linux, explaining, "If everyone's using it, I'm not cool anymore."" TEN TOP LINUX WINDOW MANAGERS "The window manager is the most important part of the Linux desktop environment. It defines how your windows look, how they behave, how applications are launched, and how they're closed. In many cases, window managers have evolved into complete desktop environments" DO WE REALLY CARE WHAT SOFTWARE IT?S RUNNING? "Is there any other consumer electronic device bar a computer, phone or handheld where we actually care what software is running inside?" KDE SC 4.6 RC1 LACKS KDE PIM "Following two beta versions, the KDE project development team has announced the arrival of a first release candidate (RC1) for version 4.6 of the KDE Software Compilation (KDE SC), a development preview of the next major release of this popular Linux and Unix desktop manager." Whitepaper: Cloud Computing -- Do More with Less As IT budgets continue to be stretched, cloud computing is enabling CIOs to do more with less. Virtualization, standardization and other fundamental features of cloud computing are lowering the cost of IT, simplifying IT service management and accelerating service delivery. Download this eBook now. Click Here. | Interested in placing your TEXT AD HERE? Click Here THE EVOLUTION OF THE LINUX DESKTOP "Back in 1998 when I started using Linux, it was ugly." 50 UNIX / LINUX SYSADMIN TUTORIALS "To wrap this year, I?ve collected 50 UNIX / Linux sysadmin related tutorials that we?ve posted so far. This is lot of reading. Bookmark this article for your future reference and read it whenever you get free time." AND THE BEST DISTRO OF 2010 IS ... "That time of the year again. Unlike the last time, where I created a number of important categories, like security, usability, support, stability, and others, and then examined how each of the selected Linux distributions fared in each, this time, I'll use a different scoring method." 2011: THE YEAR OPEN SOURCE (REALLY) GOES CAPITALIST "If 2010 was the year that taught open source "how to disappear completely," 2011 will be the year we're reminded that "anyone can play guitar"?or open source. At present, open source is de rigueur with the underdog class, those vendors seeking to challenge incumbents like Apple and Oracle." SO. WHAT NOW? "Should Groklaw stop helping people like that, I asked? Is it time to shut Groklaw down?" DEAR PJ: PLEASE DON'T QUIT GROKLAW "Novell throws FOSS under the bus to make a deal with Microsoft. Pamela Jones wonders why bother with Groklaw, if helping companies like Novell only leads to getting the shaft yet again?" HOLIDAY PARTY: SAILING INTO DANGEROUS WATERS "So the great thing about open source is nobody owns it--a company like [ours] is free to take it for nothing, include it in our products and charge for support, and that's what we'll do."" WHY LINUX ISN'T USED IN BROADCAST MEDIA "Linux has managed to carve a little slice of success for itself in nearly every industry. Well, with the exception of broadcast media that is." BUYER BEWARE IS THE MESSAGE OF VIEWSONIC'S G TABLET "Staples pulled Viewsonic's Andrdoid-powered G Tablet from shelves after high return rates - proving not all tablets are created equal." 10 MOST POPULAR LINUX.COM STORIES IN 2010 "As we prep for 2011, we wanted to take a look at the stories that were the most popular with readers in 2010 ? and we thought that readers might want to know as well. So we've pulled together a top 10 list of the most popular stories from the year for you to enjoy over the holidays." VLC FOR ANDROID MAY ARRIVE IN EARLY 2011 "VLC is one of the best media players available for Linux, Mac and Windows. Its popularity is due to the fact that it plays almost every media file type you throw at it." A SLIGHTLY LESS OPEN UBUNTU RECOVERY MODE "Ubuntu recovery mode is a basic boot configuration for repairing a broken system. In this mode it skips most configuration files and daemons in order to achieve a functioning root prompt. For the security-conscious administrator this itself is a problem." USING NAUTILUS ACTIONS TO EXTEND FILE MANAGER FUNCTIONALITY ON LINUX "What would a desktop be without a file manager? Even at the command line level we have file managers and they still make our lives much easier than they would be without them." 12 COMMANDS EVERY LINUX NEWBIE SHOULD LEARN "I believe fear of the command line is one of the top mistakes newcomers to Linux sometimes make. For that reason, let's look at some of the main commands any Linux user should know." 2 LINUX SCREENCASTING APPLICATIONS "Istanbul is written in Python and it offers a few less features than recordMyDesktop. It allows to select area or window to record, 3D record, enable/disable mouse pointer recording, and choose the size of the video (full, half or quarter width and height)." |