Linux Today News HOW A ROBOTICS COMPETITION BOOSTED COLLABORATION "What I found interesting was seeing how groups of kids have to collaborate to work on fairly big projects in very limited time: they have to design, buy, build and market the necessary spare parts to build a robot in just a few weeks' time, then ship it off to St. Louis and try to make it work under extreme duress during the competitions." PEOPLE BEHIND DEBIAN: BDALE GARBEE, CHAIR OF THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE "Maybe you have heard the story where he got his beard shaved by Linus Torvalds to raise funds to protect the Tasmanian Devil. More seriously Bdale has played and continue to play a number of important roles in the Debian community." ENABLING COMPIZ FUSION ON A DEBIAN SQUEEZE DESKTOP (NVIDIA GEFORCE 8200) "This tutorial shows how you can enable Compiz Fusion on a Debian Squeeze desktop. With Compiz Fusion you can use beautiful 3D effects like wobbly windows or a desktop cube on your desktop." OPEN SOURCE ELECTRONICS PIONEER LIMOR FRIED ON THE DIY REVOLUTION "Limor Fried is a maker's maker. Sure, she's got prime geek credentials: She earned an electrical engineering degree from MIT, invented several delightfully nerdy things to do with Altoid tins, and reverse-engineered the legendary Roland TB-303 synthesizer. Now she runs Adafruit Industries, a New York City company that makes open source electronics kits and components for the growing tide of DIYers." USE LINUX AND WEBDAV TO FACILITATE ONLINE COLLABORATION "These days, there are more and more ways available to undertake online collaboration, but WebDAV remains a useful and straightforward way to share files, especially as it's supported by plenty of software at both server and client end." 9 GOOD CD AND DVD BURNING TOOLS FOR UBUNTU/LINUX "There is no dearth of good CD/DVD burning tools for Ubuntu. Here is a quick listing of very good CD/DVD burning applications available for Linux (in no particular order)." GOODBYE UBUNTU 9.10 "Dear Ubuntu 9.10 users, the time has come to say goodbye to the Karmic Koala release of the popular Ubuntu operating system. One month from today, on April 29th, it reaches end of life (EOL)." OPENNEBULA 2.2 (CODENAME CAT'S EYE) RELEASED "The OpenNebula Project announced availability of OpenNebula 2.2 for download. OpenNebula is the open-source reference technology to deploy enterprise-class infrastructure clouds, used by thousands of organizations across multiple industries." GOOGLE'S CLEAN LINUX HEADERS: ARE THEY REALLY THAT DIRTY? "Two intellectual-property lawyers have told the world that Android is at risk of legal attack because it uses Googly versions of the original Linux header files. But Linux daddy Linus Torvalds says this is 'totally bogus'. The truth lies somewhere in between. But good luck finding it." CAKEPHP: AUTHENTICATION SETUP ON AN APPLICATION "This article explains how to set up authentication on a CakePHP application. This is accomplished through the use of tools that are built into the framework core, which allow us to quickly set up secure areas without losing flexibility." THE LINUX FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES TOP FIVE LINUX.COM LINUX GURUS "Ultimate Linux Guru Masen Marshall (MasenM). As the Ultimate Linux Guru, Marshall has received a fully loaded Linux laptop signed by Linux creator Linus Torvalds." |