Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

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Today's Inspirational Stories
Women Who Roar

10 ways to be a lioness and change the world

21 Simple Ways to Be Healthy

Do you strive for healthy habits? Sing, dance, create, think, breathe, laugh, and cry your way there with these easy tips.

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How to Come Back After a Relapse

Relapse--whether into depression, addiction, or illness--is a dreadful place. But armed with these 12 strategies, relapse can become a fresh starting place for healing.

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Quote of the Day

The most damaging phrase in the language is: 'It's always been done that way.'

- Grace Murray Hopper

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Lessons from a Recovering Doormat
Lessons from a Recovering Doormat Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

We look for love from a romantic partner. "I need to find someone to complete me" is a common lament I hear from single women, and even from men. Yet no one can complete you but YOU!We look for love from...

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Have a Magnificent Day
Have a Magnificent Day Happy New Year & Happy New You!

We wish you Health... So you may enjoy each day in comfort. We wish you the Love of friends and family... And Peace within your heart....

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