Senin, 21 Maret 2011

CFR - Main Site Feed - Qaddafi Must Go

Qaddafi Must Go

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 07:22 AM PDT

Max Boot argues that the only way the crisis in Libya can end is to remove Qaddafi from power.

Egypt's Referendum: Nervous Steps Forward

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 12:08 PM PDT

Egypt's constitutional referendum passed in the country's fairest polls in decades, but concern persists over the ability of non-democratic forces to gain the advantage in the next parliamentary and presidential elections, says CFR's Steven Cook.

Congressional Quarterly: Government Lacks Plan for How to Deal With Terrorist Enemies

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 09:58 AM PDT

Tim Starks and Seth Stern of Congressional Quarterly argue that after nearly a full decade into the war on terrorism the United States still lacks a legal framework for what is widely seen as the top national security threat of the modern era.

Obama's Important Strides in Brazil

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 07:31 AM PDT

President Obama's trip to Brazil hit many new and positive notes, signaling the great potential for boosting ties between the region's two largest economies and democracies, writes CFR's Julia Sweig.

Libya: Too Much, Too Late

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 07:30 AM PDT

Richard N. Haass says intervention in Libya by the United States is an ill-advised war of choice.

Libyan Strikes: Clearer Objectives Needed

Posted: 20 Mar 2011 12:47 PM PDT

With the United States now militarily engaged in Libya and U.S. allies seemingly at odds over goals, it is imperative that President Obama more clearly define the nation's objectives and the means to achieve them, says CFR's Robert Danin.

Obama's Remarks to the People of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 20, 2011

Posted: 20 Mar 2011 07:03 AM PDT


Department of Defense Press Conference: Vice Adm. Gortney on Operation Odyssey Dawn, March 20, 2011

Posted: 20 Mar 2011 06:33 AM PDT

Press Conference

Remarks by President Obama and President Rousseff of Brazil at Official Lunch in Brasilia, Brazil, March 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 07:53 AM PDT


Obama's Remarks by the President at CEO Business Summit in Brasilia, Brazil, March 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 06:53 AM PDT


Clinton's Remarks on UNSC Resolution 1973 Regarding Libya, March 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 06:49 AM PDT


Paris Summit for the Support to the Libyan People: Communiqué

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 06:40 AM PDT


Obama's Remarks Regarding Coalition Action in Libya, March 19, 2011

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 06:16 AM PDT


Does the World Belong in Libya's War?

Posted: 18 Mar 2011 07:15 AM PDT

Micah Zenko says the United States, France, and Britain must be clear about their objectives in Libya.

Obama's Remarks on the Situation in Libya, March 18, 2011

Posted: 18 Mar 2011 06:24 AM PDT


The Nation: A Warning From Japan

Posted: 17 Mar 2011 11:39 AM PDT

Christian Parenti of The Nation believes that the message out of Fukushima is clear: our own fleet of leaky old nuclear plants should be decommissioned now.

The Economist: Taming Leviathan

Posted: 17 Mar 2011 11:34 AM PDT

The state almost everywhere is big, inefficient and broke. It needn't be, says John Micklethwait.